End station where the audience for the first and last time can see their singing guide across the river. The actual singer will show by a gesture who they are. On the same side as the audience is standing is also a mail-box with tiny song books for the audience to find and bring home with them.
Gangar from Svartdalen
Gangar from Svartdalen
Gangar from Svartdalen is a walk and phone number. At an agreed time and place we call you and sing you into the secrets of Svartdalen. “Gangarar” are folk dances based on walking steps. The districts of Telemark and Setesdalen are well known for their walking dances, while “gangarar” from other regions are lost and forgotten. Gangar from Svartdalen unfolds as you walk in the lonesome company that only a song sung over the phone can give. Together we are looking for a common rhythm, a common body that draws us into the valley.
We recommend that you bring your own headset for your phone and make sure that your phone is well charged. Dress for the weather.
Gangar from Svartdalen comes from an interest in how to generate places through experience. The project is based on the old tradition of epic poetry and ballads that conjure up stories – storytelling that connects us to places.
Duration: 35 minutes
The work premiered in august 2020.
The songbook the audience find in the mailbox in the end of the walk. It contains a map, a notation of the melody and the entire text that was sung during the walk.
«It invited trust and also had something intimate and almost loving about it.»
«Gangar fra Svartdalen is a simple performance act that has its strength in the proximity that occurs through the telephone conversation whilst I also experience it as fundamentally lonely. It's lonely in a good way where I feel the joy of moving in rhythm with the surroundings and in tune with the music. It's about my body in motion in the world, a world that, after the months at the kitchen table, I feel an extra joy in being close to.»
from scenekunst.no
Review by Julie Rongved Amundsen 27.8.2020