Foto- Tale Hendnes 2023-204.jpg
Foto- Tale Hendnes 2023-204.jpg

Ingeleiv Berstad bio




Ingeleiv Berstad bio





Ingeleiv Berstad

 +47 47404741


Ingeleiv Berstad is a performer and a choreographer based in Oslo, Norway. She is a graduate from Oslo National Academy of the Arts. She holds an MA in choreography and a BA in contemporary dance, and was guest student at SNDO in Amsterdam in spring 2004.

In her practice she is dealing both with the theatre space and crossing boarders and genres through other platforms and contexts. She is working in different constellations and collaborations.

Her artistic practice is multifaceted, playful and transforming according to specific interests within projects and in order to give her own artistic prosesses resistance. She is occupied with dynamics between inner and outer forces on somatic, energetic and thematic level. This guides the practice itself, the finished works and the work in dialogue with its surroundings, audience, context.

She is a co-founder of, and runs Bananaz - Forening for Scenenkunst that has a steady founding 2020-24 through The Norwegian Arts Counsil and Kunstnerskapsstøtten. Se is also one of the founders and members of the performance collective Bøler Samvirkelag.

Some of latest her works include KNØ by Berstad/Holden/Becker(2023) that won the esteemed Hedda-prize for best dance performance of the year and was nominated for the Critics Award same year. Kvad-ra-turen (2021), Gangar fra Svartdalen (2020), Nikulpmyrene (2019).

She has made two commisioned works for Carte Blanche, Norwegian National Company for Contemporary Dance. KNOW HOWS (2019) and LOUDSPEAKERS (2015) together with Kristin Helgebostad.

From 2019-20 she was an assosiated artist at Black Box theatre, Oslo. First by herself and then as Bananaz - Forening for Scenekunst.